Welcome to my web site. I constructed this site for my passion of over 15 years now- collecting Deal's Wheels models issued by Revell in the early 70's. While searching high and low for information on these models, I became something of an expert on them, so this site is to share my research and collection with you! It also has become a tool for many of you to share information with me too!

06-20-14 Added a couple of new models to the Deal's Wheels-Gallery page, thanks to Bob Spedding for the contributions!

06-04-14 Well it has been a good long time since the last update. Many life events (some good, some not-so-good) have taken me away from my hobbies for several years. As most of you probably know there have been several Deal's Wheels reissues since 2006, let me try and do a recap:

Issued in "Old School" boxes:

Zzzzz-28- 2007

The Baron- 2007

57 cHEVY- 2007

Spitsfire- 2007

Messa- 2008

Tirebird- 2008

Van- 2008

After a long pause came the following, the box does not say "Old School" on this one:

Glitter Bug- 2013

The departure here is that unlike all previous reissues, the Glitter Bug was molded in white. A travesty to be sure, but I guess it helps separate the reissues from the originals and maybe helps the originals maintain their value. Just yesterday I noticed that Tower Hobbies has the Gomad Nomad listed as coming out this month, and according to the notes it too will be molded in white. Still, that one has never been reissued so it'll be nice to see it!

I'm in contact with Travis Deal and he keeps me informed on what's going on and has also been generously helping me out with kits that Revell has sent him and also selling me a few that Dave had collected over the years including some really cool Japanese releases :-)

07-08-11 Check out Keith's latest build- the "Border Patrol Van" (see the Gallery page)!

06-20-11 Another new Gallery page, this time Scott Tansley is the contributor and his Baron is sweet!

05-26-11 Added a new build to the Gallery page courtesy of long-time contributor Keith Chambers! Also added a couple of Bat-astic builds to the Gallery from new contributor Jim Garubba via Coffin Corner!

02-16-11 Added a couple of builds to the Gallery page from a new submitter- Carol Wood!

06-25-10 Zinger build #6 is up, a fun Herbie theme for the VW Zinger!

06-05-10 Yet another Zinger build added, see the Dune Zinger page! Also added some info to the main Zinger page from one of the gents at Round 2 models (concerning Zinger reissues). I also added some better pics of the Road Runner/ Coyote models to that page (see the Zingers menu). The old photos were from 10+ years ago and taken with a web cam, so they weren't very good.

05-22-10 I finished another Zinger and it turned out really nicely! It's the Little Red Zinger, see it on the Zinger pages.

05-12-10 Added a great new build to the Gallery thanks to Fletch!

05-11-10 Added a couple of nice built models to the Gallery page courtesy of Chuck Darnell! I've got more that people have submitted, will add them as I get time to do so. I also added my latest Zinger builds on the Zinger pages (Super Drag and Vette).

04-28-10 I just built a Zinger (the Super Semi) and posted a couple of pics of it (see the Zingers pages). I've got another Zinger underway, I'm hoping to build them all (thanks to the Round 2 reissues they're cheap to get now!) and post them on the Zingers pages since I've let those pages languish for so long.

04-09-10 Added a cool custom Eggplane, well really an Eggblimp :-), to the Eggplane area. Also added some cool Deal's Wheels computer renderings sent in by Brian Wilson, see the Deal's Wheels main menu.

04-02-10 Updated the Zingers pages with photos of the Zingers which are back on tour for 2010 promoting the re-release of the Zingers models! Also added some new info on the Zinger show rods and a photo of the very first Zinger, the model by Denny Johnson that started the whole thing rolling.

03-22-10 It's been quite some time since I updated my site. After Dave Deal passed away I didn't feel motivated to post updates, but people have continued sending me pictures of their cool Deal's Wheels builds! So at long last, I'm posting an update. First off, I'm trying to migrate my web site files over to my laptop and it's taking more time than I expected to get it up and running. It looks like this will be a long term project as I also have to migrate to new editing software (my old software doesn't work with Windows 7 I've discovered). So, while I'm getting used to all of this I will first post Keith's new Li'l Herbie build to the Gallery page. I hope you enjoy that while I'm trying to get the other great builds posted that have been sent to me in the last year! A quick update- I managed to get Scott Colmer's awesome "Island Girl" custom added to the Gallery page as well. Will be working on adding other submissions this week too.

10-16-08 Dave Deal passed away peacefully in his home last Tuesday (10-14-08) after battling cancer. He will be greatly missed by all of us who had the honor of knowing him.

08-04-08 After a long pause Revell- Monogram has finally made it official- we will see 3 more reissues this year, yippee! Many thanks to Chris Batson for once more breaking the news on reissues and for providing me with the below Revell catalog scan. It looks like we'll be getting the Messa, Van and Trans Um this year. I spoke by phone with Dave Deal a few weeks ago and he said that Revell intends to reissue ALL of the Deal's Wheels with the possible exception of the Bug Bomb (Revell is having trouble gettiing licensing clearance from VW). The Stink Ray may get a name change due to complaints from GM, but the model is a go. The reissues are reported to be selling well. The  2007 Baron  reissue sold out quickly and is already selling on eBay for 3 to 4 times the list price!

12-02-07 The 57 has been out for a little over a month and then surprisingly, the Spitsfire hit stores a little early! It started showing up on eBay a few days ago. FOUR re-releases this year! Nice! Rumors are that we may see Lucky Pierre next.

08-05-07 The 57 re-release isn't even out yet and Revell has issued a supplemental 2007 catalog that shows the Spitsfire, woohoo! It's due out in October. Thanks go out to Greg Sullivan for the  below scans!

06-23-07 The 57 cHEVY re-release rumor gained some legs when a picture of it showed up in a dealer brochure (see below). It is supposed to be out in September. Keep those fingers crossed! Thanks to Chris Batson for the scan!

05-05-07 The Zzzzz-28 kit is out now, click on the pic below for more info! Dave Deal thinks these releases are being limited to 3000 units each, so go out and get them while you can!!

Logan says "Deal's Wheels are COOOOOL!"

04-14-07 The Baron kits are now out and have been showing up on eBay. The boxes have a slightly smaller version of the original box art with a banner underneath as shown below. The Zzzzz-28 kit should be out any time now. Rumor is that the 57 cHEVY and another plane will be reissued in the Fall of '07. The '95 and '96 reissues of the Zzzzz-28 and Van kits sold poorly and that is why Revell canceled further reissues. Let's show our support and buy a bunch of these things so they'll make more!

 11-11-06 Well, if you come by this web site for Deal's Wheels info, then prepare to be astounded by the biggest Deal's Wheels news since 1996.... Revell has announced that they are reissuing two of the Deal's Wheels kits!! While certainly great news, most  collectors will be disappointed to hear that one of them is the Zzzzz-28 kit which did not sell well back in '95 when it was reissued. Fortunately they have also decided to rerelease the Baron, so there is hope that this reissue might get some life and spawn future reissues. Reports are that the original box art will be used, but the plastic colors may be different. Apparently the original metallic colors will not be used. Thanks to Keith Chambers for keeping us informed on this hot news!

04-19-08 Added another model to the "Deal's Wheels- Gallery" page. Unfortunately the builder of this beautiful Van model  (Joe Riley) has since passed away, but hopefully this Van page will live on for many years as a tribute to a great artist and excellent model builder.

04-12-08 Added a very nice Spitsfire build by Tory Mucaro to the "Deal's Wheels- Gallery" page, check it out! I have a few other submissions to post as well, will try to get to them soon.

12-02-07 The re-releases are still hitting, the '57 cHEVY finally came out about a month ago and the Spitsfire is just starting to hit store shelves. I updated the front page with this info.

09-23-07 Added another Deal's Wheels "tribute" model to the Gallery page, this one is a '69 Cougar Eliminator called "CouGRRR"!

09-06-07 Added two new entries on the Gallery page- another neat custom by Jim Johnson (a Cuda) and a GTO Judge Deal's Wheels tribute that I recently completed. Also made the first new entry on the Eggplanes page in quite some time, a very cool pair of custom resin Star Wars kits done up in the Eggplane style!

08-05-07 Several people sent in some great Deal's Wheels items for this update: Don Culley submitted several models including his beautiful Li'l Herbie, see his models in the Reader's Gallery and also on the Li'l Herbie page under the DW menu. Rob Riley sent in pics of his Grumpy-inspired Zzzzz-28 custom, it's in the Gallery section with his previous 57 cHEVY submittal. Greg Sullivan sent in some scans of the Revell 2007 catalog showing the next DW release- the Spitsfire! See it on the front page of the site. I also finally completed my Baja Humbug restoration after getting the whole repro decal thing worked out. I added it to the Baja Humbug page under the DW menu.

07-22-07 The Ferd and Super Spurt decals are now available!! Check out the decal page. I also added some pics to the Tirebird page of my recently completed blue Tirebird with custom white stripes. It looks great next to the white one with blue stripes, check them out from the Deal's Wheels menu! I have quite a few other pending updates including some nice built-ups that have been sent in and some really cool pics of some custon eggplane-like resin kits sent in by the guy that created them (Vince). I hope to have all that up shortly.

07-13-07 I am now offering Deal's Wheels repro decals! See the top of the front page for more info. Also see the Gallery for a new page showing some nice work by Jim Johnson!

06-30-07 Added  two new customs to the Gallery page- my recently completed custom Baron and a nice custom Zzzzz-28 by Charles!

06-23-07 Added some new Deal's Wheels updates including new pictures on the Store Display page, a new page of 1970 promo scans, and another new page with 1976 Japanese catalog scans. Also a few pics were sent in by Chris Batson of his cool Funbird, check out the Funster Funbird page for pics! Keith Chambers also contributed a Funster VW Bug box scan for the Funster pages, thanks!

06-13-07 Added some new pics of the Tirebird (under the Deal's Wheels menu). I did some cleaning up on it and added some detail painting, so added a few new pics. I also made a contribution to the Gallery page, check out my Zzzzzz-28 with a Baron motor transplant! Also there are a few new pictures of the full-sized Zingers, and a "modern" picture of the Zinger rail which is currently owned by Roth car aficionado Mark Moriarty. Check under the Zingers menu for those.

05-13-07 A great update for Deal's Wheels fans! I FINALLY built another Deal's Wheels model after many years. It is the Zzzzz-28, pictures are posted on that page. I also posted pictures of my Deal's Wheels store displays, something I've been meaning to do for years. Very interesting for those that like Deal's Wheels lore. In addition, I dragged out some of my old DW models and took new pictures of them to replace the fuzzy little photos I had before. Check out the Gomad Nomad page, the Tirebird page, the Van page and shortly I'll finish the Lucky Pierre page too. If you look at the Deal's Wheel menu, you'll see "UD 05-07" next to the pages that have been updated. Also, I added a picture of Keith Chambers awesome wall of Deal's Wheels prints, check out the print order page to see it!

05-06-07 Added a ton of scans from a beautiful article about Dave Deal and the Deal's Wheels that was in a Japanese magazine on 2005. The photos include models, the original Jim Allen show cars, Deal's studio and Deal himself. Check under the Deal's Wheels menu.

05-05-07 Added lots of pictures of the 2007 Zzzzz-28 rerelease, check under the Deal's Wheels menu.

04-18-07 Added scans from a magazine that had a lot of Zingers coverage, refer to the Zingers menu.

04-15-07 Wow, two days in a row of updates! Added a link to George Trosley's awesome web site on the front page and the links page. Also added a page for a Cessna artwork print by Deal that appeared on eBay recently (see "Dave Deal and Deal's Wheels- models and art").

04-14-07 It's been a while since the last update, far too long! Unfortunately (for me), my old computer died and I then discovered just how poor my "backup system" (I used the term loosely) was. It took me quite a while to restore all my web files and gather old passwords and links so I could work on the site again. Apologies to those that submitted their Deal's Wheels goodies, hopefully it won't take me so long to get submittals posted next time! As far as updates, I added some photos to the DW-Gallery page and the DW-Reader's Gallery page. I also added a pic of the 2007 Baron release to the front page and an update on the other Deal's Wheels rereleases.

11-11-06 Quite a few updates this time, including a front page announcement that Revell will be reissuing two Deal's Wheels kits! Fantastic! Also some very nice DW built-ups from Ralph and Don were added to the Reader's Gallery and two earth-shattering custom DW's from Keith have been added to the Gallery pages.

03-30-06 Added pictures of the elusive L'il Herbie courtesy of Don Culley. Check the Deal's Wheels menu.

03-19-06 Added another fantastic Deal's Wheels build from Keith, check out the "Deal's Wheels- Gallery" section!!

12-29-05 Thanks to Ralph and Keith for sending in some new Deal's Wheels build pics! Check both Deal's Wheels galleries for updates. I also added a few new R/C plane pages including one of a really cool R/C ornithopter I just completed, check the "Remote Control Planes" page.

08-22-05 Added more pics from Ralph to the "Deal's Wheels- Reader's Gallery" section. Also posted several updates to the Zoids section, look under the Zoids menu for newly listed updates.

06-05-05 Added some pictures under the "Deal's Wheels- Reader's Gallery" section (thanks to Ralph!)

04-23-05 Added a cool Swine Hunt by Keith Chambers to the "Deal's Wheels-Gallery page", and added some killer eggplane dioramas by Randall Allsup to the "Hasegawa Egg Planes" page. Also added a pic of my new ride to the front page.

02-27-05 Added several new pages to the R/C Planes area including some really cool nano ducted fans. Check the bottom of that page for my little "Stealth-E" design, a micro Stealth Fighter! Check the R/C Planes page for updates (look for "02-05" dates next to the new pages).

Also added some additional pictures of the 57 cHEVY Deal's Wheels show car which recently was up for auction on eBay.

11-23-04 Fixed some missing pictures and other problems based on error logs.

11-14-04 WHAT'S OLD IS NEW AGAIN! A Japanese magazine contacted Dave Deal and is doing an article on his influence in Japan, particularly on the Choro-Q line of pullback toy cars. Below is a piece of artwork that Deal prepared for the magazine article. Neat!

11-14-04 Added pictures of Keith's cool Blue Angels diorama to the eggplanes area. Updated the pricing on the Deal's Wheels prints.

08-07-04 I can scarcely believe I did it, but I FINALLY fulfilled my years-long promise of replacing all the junky web cam pictures of my Deal's Wheels box lids with much nicer pics taken with my digital camera. Many of those old pics dated back to the very beginning of this web site back in '97. Hard to imagine, but the entire site was about 5 pages back then! Now if I can get around to building all my kits and posting pictures of those! But hey, I need to save something for retirement!

07-22-04 Check out the logo below. If you have any interest in this web site at all, then this logo will some day be near and dear to your heart! It may not be something you recognize now, but let me assure you my dear Deal's Wheels friends, you will likely be considering getting it tattooed on your bicep (or maybe the small of your back if your are a lady- LOL!) after November of next year. More news to follow in the months ahead!

UPDATE... I'm sure you figured out this is a movie that is coming up (to be released 11-2005), but what you may not know is our favorite artist (Dave BIG Deal) designed all the characters! And the characters are... of course.... cars! No people, all animated cars with plenty of personality. The trailer for the movie is airing now with "The Incredibles" movie, or you can check out the trailer online by clicking the logo below. Enjoy!

UPDATE #2... the movie release is now June 2005!! Woohoo!

UPDATE #3... what a great movie! My 4 year old son now loves all things Cars; he's got Cars toys, jammies, slippers, etc. etc. The movie just came out on video and is a must-have for every Deal fan.

07-04-04 Due to some web hosting/ FTP problems, I have been unable to update for a while. It appears I've got a workaround for it though. Sooo, I added a new page to the "Deal's Wheels- Gallery" section of a neat 57 cHEVY submitted by Scott C.

Also, in honor of July 4th I was feeling patriotic and posted a pic of my American hardware collection of the front page. Enjoy!

01-22-04 Yes, it's a Deal's Wheels update!! I've added pictures of three Japanese issue Deal's Wheels models that now reside in my collection. I also added pics of something truly unusual, one of the actual Deal's Wheels full size show cars! It recently changed ownership and the gentleman was kind enough to allow me to post some pictures of it. Look at the Deal's Wheels "Unusual" menu.

On a personal note, I'm sorry to report that I heard from long time Deal's Wheels collector and good friend Tom Tinling around Christmas and he was the victim of a fire that destroyed all of his belongings. Most sad of all is he lost his entire Deal's Wheels collection, a collection that he worked very hard for many years to build up and was probably among the top 3 collections in the nation if not the world. While I'm thankful he was not home at the time, my condolences go out to him for this terrible loss.

01-10-04 Added a nice Deal's Wheels Van picture to the "Reader's Rides" section. Added many new R/C plane pictures and 3 new R/C pages.

10-26-03 Added a couple of great Eggplane customs from Keith and one from Jeff; also added a very nice custom Deal's Wheels Swine Hunt. Check out the corresponding menus for the updated pages!

09-07-03 Added another awesome eggplane custom by Keith! Check it out on the Egg Planes menu. Also added a new page to the Remote Controls Planes menu for my F-16, my first ducted fan model. Check out the video too, it's cool!

07-06-03 Added the Nemesis to R/C planes. Also added a link to a great new Deal's Wheels site with excellent pictures of built-ups, check out the "Cool links" page.

06-17-03 Added the Tiny X and Mini Speedwing to the R/C planes menu. Also added a new plane from Keith to the Eggplanes menu.

05-18-03 Added the Mini IFO to the R/C planes menu. I have a few more updates to add to Eggplanes and Deal's Wheels, I'll try to get those up soon.

04-19-03 Added a few more planes to the R/C planes menu.

Also, I don't know where else to put this so I'll put it here. I received the below email from this person that saw my site and thought I was Dave Deal. I found it entertaining, so thought I'd post it:


Subj: (no subject)

Date: 4/15/2003 10:22:41 PM Central Standard Time

From: (deleted)

To: Fmw111

Hi Dave, I have been a longtime fan. Due to a recent success in the television sit com racket I can now afford to purchase some original Big Deal art.

My automotive interests are largely Porsche and VW.

You got anything good left ?

Your friend, Jerry Seinfeld


Deal has traded some emails with him and confirms it's legit!

I also just purchased 2 Japanese Deal's Wheels models from a Japanese contact. Pictures to be posted soon!

04-13-03 I'm back!!! I now have video capabilities. I have added a new category for my R/C planes along with video clips of some of the planes. I can take video of Zoids now, so let me know if there's something you want to see. I'm thinking King G maybe?

12-31-02 Added a BIG new feature, a print offer of Deal's Wheels prints directly from the Big Deal! See the new link on the front page of the site. Oh, and Happy New Year!

10-17-02 Woah, a long time since an update! I only added a couple of pics, but they're neat ones. I added a pic of a Zoid that my friend Jeroen sent me, a custom plated Redler! I also added an awesome custom Eggplane diorama by my friend Jeff, I wouldn't have thought he could improve on his previous perfection, but this one must be seen to be believed! Check both of them out!

06-05-02 Added a cool piece of Dave Deal artwork for an old Mattel toy line. See "Dave Deal -and- Deal's Wheels- models and art", then click "Deal's artwork", then "Mattel Wheeled Warriors artwork".

06-01-02 Moved my site to a new host. Dreamhost was not giving me enough bandwidth, I was having to shut my site down 1 week out of every month. Vervehosting gives me 4 times the bandwidth for the same price, so hopefully I can expand the site some more.

04-07-02 Added some really beautiful chrome plated Zoid pics. Look on the Zoids menu, I added a new heading called "Plated Zoids".

03-26-02 Added a cool page with a vintage pic of Deal and his Baja racer. Look at "Dave Deal and DW models and art"- "The Man"- "Deal's Racer". Thanks to Jimmy for the scan. Email Jimmy HERE if you have a Gomad Nomad for sale.

01-02-02 What, an update that isn't a Zoid?? Yes, it's true. I've added a very cool eggplane sent in by Jeff, check the Eggplanes menu!

12-31-01 Yes, more Zoids stuff! You know where to look by now!

12-13-01 More Zoids goodies added!

11-17-01 Due to pathetic performance issues from AOL and a complete lack of support, I moved the rest of my site over to Dreamhost. I also added Gilvader and Red Scavenger to the Zoids menu.

09-16-01 Added Berzerk Fuhrer to the Zoids menu.

09-01-01 Added Deathsaurer and Mad Thunder to the Zoids menu.

08-22-01 Added a custom Gunbluster and Euro release Zabre to the Zoids menu.

08-02-01 Added some more Zoids goodies, check the Zoids menu and look for the new additions with todays date (08-02) next to them.

07-08-01 Added some of the super cool Deal's Wheels artwork! Check it out, go to the Deal's Wheels menu, then click on the selections under the "Models-Artwork" category. More artwork will follow!!

06-25-01 A MUST SEE for Deal's Wheels fans!! I have finally at long last posted pics of my Spanish issue Deal's Wheels. Go to "Deal's Wheels", then "Spanish Issues".

06-24-01 Check out this cool story about the old Lions Drag Strip, accompanied by Deal artwork: http://www.northernthunder.com/lastrace.html

06-17-01 Added a page for one of the Monogram Snap Draggin reissue kits that I just built (Super Taxi). Go to "Mono-Snap Draggins". Also added several new vintage and new release Zoid pics.

06-07-01 Check out the Zingers page, I've added all new box art pics! PLUS, a taste of things to come. I've added a teaser of the Deal's Wheels original rough art, go to the "Dave Deal..." menu and click on "Models-Artwork" page 1. More to follow!

06-04-01 It's done! I've got everything loaded back up again. Please let me know if you see anything odd, like broken pic frames or pics that are sized wrong. I was able to restore everything EXCEPT the "Deal's Wheels- b/u examples", for some reason I didn't save those pics on my hard drive. Everything else should be good to go.

06-03-01 Update- I have bit the bullet and am now leasing REAL web space. I have a whopping 60 meg, so I'll have plenty of room to post new goodies. It will take me a while to get everything uploaded and get my pages reconfigured to point at the new location. I spent the day fixing the Zoids pages, those should be fully functional. The Deal's Wheels stuff will be next.

06-03-01 Thanks to Yahoo/Geocities, my site is a friggin' mess. I had nearly 15 meg worth of photos (150+ pics) located there and linked to my site. The space has been there and been reliable for over a year and in the blink of an eye it's gone. As a result you will notice LOTS of broken images, that's because the image is GONE! This will take who knows how long to repair as I have to locate some reliable web hosting space somewhere before I upload all that stuff again. YAHOO/GEOCITIES SUCKS!!!

06-01-01 I have just received the most exciting package of Deal's Wheels goodies straight from the Master, the Big Deal, himself!! The package contains numerous Deal's Wheels design roughs as well as some interesting "insider" info. I will post it...if there is some interest! I have spent a lot of time putting together the Deal's Wheels info on this site but almost never hear from any fans. So if you're out there, stand up and be counted! Email me! If there is an indication of some interest, I will start the laborious task of taking pics, uploading them and setting up some new pages. But I have to hear from you first!


Added links to 2 more Zoid customs, go ot the Zoids menu and check under "Zi craft union".


Added a page of Deal's Wheels built-up photos under "Reader's Rides", thanks go out to Harley in England!


Added Raynos to the Zoids menu. This is a custom I just completed and the name on the menu links to "Zi craft union", the awesome Japanese customs site where some of my work is being hosted next to many incredible Japanese customs!!


Added a bunch of Robostrux pics. Check the new Robostrux menu listed under Zoids.


Added a pic of the Euro issue red Mammoth to the Mammoth page under Zoids.


I added a new link to John Detrich's site on the links page. He is one heck of an artist and is doing a commissioned piece for ME! Here's the rough pencil sketch, check it out it's a monster riding my Harley. COOLIO!


Well, looks like we survived the holidays! I'm a bit behind on updates, but I posted a link on the Zoids page to an outstanding new custom Zoids site called "Zi craft union". I also added a link to one of my new customs that's featured on that fine site.


Lots of exciting news in the funky caricature car world! Click HERE to see it!


Added King Gojulas and Lightning Saix to the Zoids menu. If youu're not into Zoids, you still owe it to yourself to check out the King, he's awesome!!!


Check out the awesome Eggplane dioramas by Jeff Dedrick! You can reach them from the "Egg Planes" menu.


Added Mammoth and Irvine's Command Wolf to the Zoids page.


Added "Ashley's Zoids" and "Bootleg Zoids" at the Zoids page.


Added the entire Deal's Wheels built-up collection of David Broxterman- refer to the new category on the Main Menu called "Deal's Wheels- b/u examples". Thanks for the pics David!


Added a mysterious Robo Strux dude to the Zoids page.


Tomy does it again, I posted pics of my just completed super-coolio Zoid: Storm Sworder!


More goodies added to Reader's Rides courtesy of Mike McDaniel!


Added Gun Sniper to the Zoids menu.


Added Venuzoid, a cool little custom! Find him on the Zoids menu.


A very cool Eggplane update! Check out the newest additions to Keith's collection and to mine! Check the new categories of "Arcade Eggs" and "Catalog Eggs" under the "Egg Planes" menu.


Added Redler to the Zoids page.


Added the Funster Bug- thanks to my good friend AJ!! See it under the "Funsters" menu.


Added a FAQ page (see link on the Home page).


Added my kitbashed Pikazoid! Check the Zoids menu.


Added more and better pics of the Swine Hunt to replace the old pic, added pics of a builtup Tirebird. Check on the Deal's Wheels menu.


Added my latest Zoid- Iron Kong!


Added a new category under the Deal's Wheels menu called "Variations". Check it to see a couple of interesting "not quite Deal's Wheels" variations!


Added more Zoids, these things are waaaay cool!


Added a new section on the Main Menu- Zoids! If you're not familiar with these wonderful Japanese made models, you must check it out.


Whew, this is the biggest update in a while! I added many more Egg Plane pics, thanks to Keith Chambers for supplying the material and giving me a push. Check the Egg Plane menu for the new items.

Added pics of Thomas Voehringer's super cool Snap Draggin buildups. Check the Snap Draggin menu, new links called "Willy Haulin 2" and "Manglia".

Updated my links page with a link to BigDeal.org, a must for ANY Dave Deal fan!!

Added part 2 of the Baron Modeler's Club cartoon (Deal's Wheels"- "The Man!"- "Deal's Artwork").


Dave Deal goes MAD!! The Big Deal has signed on with MAD magazine to do artwork on an ongoing basis! Look for his work to appear in the next month or so. Update- the work with MAD fell through and will not be published. BUMMER!

I added pics of my most recent build-up, a contest entry for the Polar Lights model contest. Check under "Snap Draggins"- Willy Wild". Update- my model took 1st place and people's choice in the SD division! Thanks to all who voted!! The award was 4 very cool Polar Lights kits (The Guillotine, The Go-Cart, Phantom of the Opera, The Bellringer of Notre Dame). My thanks to Polar Lights for a fun contest and excellent prizes!!


I added additional scans of super-cool artwork direct from the Big Deal. Se them under "Deal's Wheels"- "The Man!"- "Deal's Artwork" There are several Deal's Wheels plane sketches that you must see! I also added a new page under "Deal's Wheels"- "The Man!" called "Deal's Ride". Have a look! Lastly I tossed a pic into "Current Projects" of a Bug Bomb I built/restored recently.


The update that you've either been waiting for, or should have been! There is a new category under "Deal's Wheels"- "The Man!" called "Deal's Artwork". There are several scans straight from the Big Deal himself, and they are hot!!


Added a new category, "Snoopy Kits" on the Main Menu. It features 2 models I recently restored.


Added a pic of one of the original Deal's Wheels inspired show cars. Check under "Deal's Wheels", "The Man".


Added my latest project to the "Current Projects" category, a Monogram Snap Draggin.


I added another page to the gallery with another awesome build-up by Michael Curry.

Also, I'm working on a monstrous Deal's Wheels project and am taking pics of it as I go. Watch for progress photos soon!


Randy has supplied me with a couple of pics of another excellent build-up of his, the Stink Ray. Check out the Gallery, page 3.


Added a couple of new pages under "Deal's Wheels" category- "Cars"- "Metal Cars". What is it? You'll have to go see!

I also added a story (by the builder) under "Gallery" page 2 for the built-up the Van.


I added a new category called "Gallery" on the main menu. Check it out to see some great build-ups by a couple of guests to my site- Randy Koger and Michael Curry.


Under "Current Projects" I've added pics of my recently completed "Roarin' Peace" model.


Call me paranoid, but I have relocated a large part of my Deal's Wheel collection out of my house over the last couple of weekends. I became more and more concerned that a fire would wipe out everything I've worked so hard to collect. They are in a secure storage facility that has a sprinkler system, and I placed everything in plastic bins before storing them. I will always have a few around the house though. Those of you who ask all those detailed questions might have to wait for a response!

Also, I just completed my first ever space model. See it under the new category "Current Projects" on the "Main Menu".


Added a pic of an additional metal car (Citroen) under "Deal's Wheels" category- "Cars"- "Metal Cars".


I added a new page with a super cool pic- check under "Deal's Wheels" and you will see a new page at the top called "The Man!". Also, here's a waaaay cool tidbit from the Man himself:

"Did you know that the scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, where the kid's toys come to life, the little car moving around in the moonlight is a Deal's Wheels VW bug motorized by George Barris? More Deal's Wheels trivia. Check it out."

I DID check it out, and near the beginning of the movie is the scene he mentioned. The car in question is a Baja Humbug which appears to have a larger-than-kit engine protruding from the back which is probably the r/c modification.


WOW!! Check out what The BIG Deal sold me!! It's stupendous, it's amazing! It can be seen under "Deal's Wheels"- "Cars"- "Prototype". It's a MUST SEE!


Added a new "Almost Zingers" category under "Zingers" on the Main Menu. It contains some models that are not Zingers, but are very close.


AND NOW FOR SOMETHING TOTALLY DIFFERENT.... check the new addition under the "Deal's Wheels" category- "Cars"- "Metal Cars".


I've run out of space on my site, so I've decided to re-work it. I will be devoting this site to Deal's Wheels models and their iterations, as well as other models that involved work by The Big Deal,  like the Street Screamers. I also have a real special surprise on the way that I need to free up some space for. I will probably create a sister page for the other model stuff I have on here (Zingers, etc.). This will take me a while, so you might notice some dead links or unfinished pages in the transition.


2 fun pieces of information to report- 1st, in the May '99 issue of Automobile magazine there is a nice 6 page spread of Dave Deal's artwork in color! Something I had no idea of before this article is Mr. Deal designed the little Armor-All guy! 2nd- Thomas V. updated his very cool website and part of his update is an article by yours truly about the restoration of my Glitter Bug. Check it out at his site: Bonedigger's Styrene Archaeology


It's a miracle, updates 2 days in a row! But this is worth it, Todd Cerami was kind enough to send me a photo of his friend's original Deal's Wheels store display! Check on the Deal's Wheels list,  under "Cars" there is a new "store display" heading .


It would appear from my hit counter that more and more people are starting to visit my site, or maybe 2 or 3 of you are visiting way too often! Don't you have jobs? I'm sorry I have been so slow to update, but I'm planning on buying a better digital camera and I didn't want to post any updates until I get it. Here are a few tidbits, rumors, facts, etc....

I am in the process of purchasing some ORIGINAL Odd Rod artwork!!  The very artwork that the cards were printed from. Thank you Craig for being kind enough to sell it to me! I will post soon.

I recently purchased 12 Deal's Wheels SPANISH models along with a buddy of mine that also collects DW kits (hi Dave). The kits came from an old hobby shop in Argentina, and a big THANK YOU to Joaquin Meier hailing from Buenos Aires for locating them and selling them to us! They are quite awesome, the box art is the same as the American kits, but all the text on the side panels is in Spanish as are the instructions. I will post pics of these soon too. Word has it that the Big Deal, who still has copyrights on all the designs and artwork, did not know about the Spanish issues.

Rumor: there may have been a German re-issue of the Baron and his Funfdecker Fokker by Revell of Germany. Anyone seen one, or is this just a rumor?

I also need to post a pic of the Revell Incredible Flying Machine. This is a model that is a strange re-issue of the Lucky Pierre kit. It is modified to hold a battery so that the prop turns, and there is a customizable banner that flies behind it. My friend Tom just sent me a copy of the 1980 Revell catalog which shows an Incredible Fllying Machine store display that is  a clear cylinder, and the plane flies in circles inside it. MUST HAVE...MUST HAVE.....

Another friend verified that he used to have an original Deal's Wheels store display that had 3 built-up VW models although he can't remember which ones. He said the header was "the hippie guy holding a pencil" which I assume is Mr. Deal himself as pictured on the side panel of the early models, holding a pencil and a model. Another item that I must have! Will my collection EVER be complete?

Another Rumor: a friend thinks he spotted one of the original Zinger show cars last year at a car show. It may have been the VW. Has anyone out there seen any of them?

Until later...hopefully not as long next time.....